happy weekends
finally reach home from work..
well,this weekend,today and tomorrow,i'll be quite full of activities.
today...later around 5 something,i'm going to somewhere around ellis road there to try out my t-shirt n the bike that i'm going to ride tomorrow.
for your information,there is an activity around pasar there.it's something like environment day.n i have join the riding electronic bicycle around pasar area.
maybe u will think that how come people like me will join this type of thingy.well.......surprise,RM50 will be given to those participants.nnn...if u return them the t-shirt,another RM30 will be given.so,total of RM80 will be received by me.hooray!!
another reason i join is that it helps in my dieting plan.i can burn out my extra fats.
last few days,i saw in newspaper that the gym next to everise headquater is opened for all people.it's free.only today n tomorrow.maybe after the ride,i'll visit the gym.hooray again!!
am i hooray too early??hope that tomorrow the weather will cooperate with all of us lo.
today is my first day of diet.my diet is well-planned.it consist of 4 phase---normal,pre-fasting,fasting,and post-fasting.it takes around half month to complete.after half month,if the result satisfies me,then i will continue the plan.n of course,share with my family n friends.wish me goodluck!!
1 Response
  1. SHELL Says:

    u sudden bacome so active lo...haha...
    good good a...
    nice to hear it...
    ur diet plan sounds well-planned...
    keep it up ya...
    my water pollution here sucks...
    gambatte...^^will support u...